Because he made me
Nathan said I have to update, and when Nathan tells you to do something...well, you don't fuck with Nathan.
Goals for winter break:
1. Get a dang internship.

Maybe I could go to Washington State and work with these girls.
2. Read 2 good books

This will be one of them. I like the cover. The other one is up for grabs. I have to read a book by Barack Obama in order to keep my job, but that's fine because I love Obama. I listen to his podcast when he has time to make them. He makes them on Thursdays, so every Thursday I imagine Barack Obama telling me it is Thursday when I wake up. Then he tells me about some policy or something. I just like listening to his voice. I think I might have a thing for him, like the way I have a shameful crush on Michael Jordan 10 years ago. It's sick and weird, but I just think success is sexy.
3. Do some research on fish salinty tolerance across phylogenies (no biggie, don't ask about it)

I could explain it, but you wouldn't like it.
4. Read up on habitat corridors

This will be the focus of my research for the next year and a half. I have been training with a wonderful woman named Tara under the tutelage of Professor Mike Ward, who will be my ornithology professor next semester. Tara and I catch birds, she takes their blood, and we stick bands on their legs. Sometimes the birds bite us. Sometimes we catch squirrels. Sometimes we sit in the the car and talk about boys. Sometimes we catch a morning dove and it almost bleeds to death. Well that last thing only happened one time. I've had a great time thus far, and next semester I'll be having even more fun tracking American Cardinals (the bird, not the baseball team) across the South Farms. My research will have direct implications for the new development project on the South Farms. I mean, I really hope it does.
5. Study for the GRE.
I hate standardized tests.
6. Work out.
Let's face it, I've gotten chubs.
I don't know, that's it. Stuff has been happening, but nothing blogger worthy. Just chillin. Kinda. I can't wait to get home, go on my trip to NC, and come back refreshed.
I will try to update more frequently, but I don't really know what to blog about. I don't feel like I should be adding any more useless crap to the internet than is already here. I write my own useless crap down in a private journal that I don't let near my computer. I've been cutting off my ties to the internet lately, which is exhilerating and kind of depressing all at once. It's nice to have relationships that are not text based, but it's also sad to see how many of my "friends" depended on the internet to get in contact with me. But that's ok, the real friends stuck around and tolerate my analogue tendencies.
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