Get on with it

Monday, February 26, 2007

Super happy hyper blog

Yeah, I'm just kidding. I'm not super, happy, or hyper at the moment. It's 2am and I'm getting fucked by academics, but that's ok.

Things of note that have happened to me recently:

- Cardinal research is swimming along. As of Friday we have collected data from 4 cardinals. There has been a casualty. RIP band# 1222-63791. Died on February 16th between 8 and 9pm. Cause of death: attack by predator, most likely an owl.

- I had a sweet program on white culture, which at first seemed like it would be a horrible, horrible disaster. After quite a bit of panic we ended up with a very fruitful dialogue. Probably my best program all year, but also a complete mistake that it ended up being as successful as it was.

- I am going to San Juan, Texas this spring break. Helping migrant farm workers with their rights and maybe working on my Spanish.

- Applied for some internships. It looks like my kick ass professor is going to hook me up with a job at the Illinois Natural History Survey this summer, but I felt like applying for some other internships anyways, because I am all about the paper work. Just kidding. But seriously, I'm waiting to hear back from U Oregon, Kansas State, Davison College and U Alaska-Southeast.

I think that's all I can remember. Also, I should study more. This is harder than I thought it was going to be.

That's what she said.

Or he said.


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